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Special Education

School supports

Learn about support for kids whostruggle in school. See options liketutoring and homework help. Findout how students qualify for lEPs,special education, or 504 plans

Root causes

Get basic information on andlearning disabilities like dyslexia,dyscalculia, written expressiondisorder, and other learningdifferences.

Root causes

Learn what can cause trouble withreading and writing, includingdyslexia and learning disabilities. Getstrategies to help struggling readersand tips to improve writing skills.


Get parenting tips to help kids with and learning disabilities followdirections and improve behavior. Trysimple, practical parenting strategiesvetted by experts.

School struggles

Learn how and learningdisabilities can cause kids to get badgrades and struggle in school. Getadvice and tips for how to help kidsfinish homework and thrive in school.

Managing emotions

Learn why people struggle withmanaging emotions. Find out how, learning disabilities, andanxiety impact emotions. Get tips ondealing with anger, sadness, and...

Focus and attention

Learn how and learningdisabilities can lead to trouble withfocus and paying attention. Findstrategies for kids who don't listen, orfor adults who can't concentrate.

Signs and symptoms

Do you think you or your child mayhave ADHD or a learning disability?Learn common signs and symptomsof and dyslexia. Find out howto get evaluated and diagnosed.

Confidence and self-esteem

Find out how to build confidence andself-esteem for people with ,dyslexia, and other learningdisabilities. Help kids identify theirstrengths and develop a growth...

Talking and understanding

Learn how to improvecommunication skills, self-advocate,and better understand others. Gettips for talking about learning andthinking differences like,...

Stress and anxiety

Staying organized

Get help if you or your child isoverwhelmed by stress and anxiety.Learn simple, practical strategies,and how to get professional help foranxiety in school and in life.

Get tips and strategies to help you oryour child stay organized. Find outhow executive function challengesand can cause trouble withorganization and time management.